Cozy & Simple: My Favorite Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
We had a small snowstorm here in Greensboro, NC, this week, and when even a little snow falls, it means I get to do my favorite thing—stay home! Snow is a rare treat around here, so I like to celebrate the occasion with a batch of homemade cookies. This time, I went back to an old favorite—one I originally shared on my blog way back in 2008.
My youngest daughter, Bea, helped me out. She’s my little sous-chef and always eager to lend a hand in the kitchen. These cookies are super simple, and I usually have all the ingredients on hand. They remind me of my Grammy, who used to make oatmeal cookies—though I never liked them as a kid because she put raisins in them. As an adult, I discovered you could swap in chocolate chips, and suddenly, I was a fan!
These cookies have that classic oatmeal cookie warmth with hints of cinnamon and little bits of oats. They come out crispy on the edges, gooey in the middle, and—if you ask me—even better once they’ve cooled. I like to use Golden Wheat flour from King Arthur Baking Co. and always reach for Ghirardelli 60% dark chocolate chips in my recipes.
One of my favorite tricks is freezing a few dough balls so I can have a fresh, homemade cookie in just 12 minutes later in the week. It also keeps me from eating more than I should in one sitting!
Give these a try next time you’re in the mood for cookies—they’re so simple, and I hope you love them as much as we do!
You can find my recipe here. Enjoy!
Snowy Day Visitors… We had fun watching all the birds visit our feeder during the snow. I managed to catch a shot of this beautiful red cardinal - our state bird!