Water Wednesday:  My Simple Plant Care Routine


I love having plants in my home, but let’s be honest—keeping them alive can feel a little stressful! If you struggle to remember when and what needs watering, try creating a simple routine. For me, it’s Water Wednesday!

Now, I’m no plant expert, but I do manage to keep most of mine alive. I counted today, and I currently have 29 plants! Every Wednesday morning, I set aside 30–45 minutes to make my rounds. Most of my plants live in our main living area, but I work my way through each room, then up the stairs, and finally end in my bedroom, where I water the last four.

I used to keep real plants in my daughters' bedrooms, but I gave them the chore of bringing them downstairs for Water Wednesday—which, no surprise, didn’t work. So now, they have some faux plants in their spaces, and honestly, everyone is happier that way!

For watering, I carry most of my plants to the sink so they can drain well. My bigger ones stay put—I just water them lightly with a pitcher, and so far, they seem perfectly happy. I also take a moment to trim off any dead leaves—my mom always used to say, ‘That plant needs a haircut!’

Plants bring me a lot of joy, and while they do require a little effort each week, I think they’re well worth it! I’ve gotten to know each of mine pretty well over time—some even have their own personalities (or at least, I like to think they do!). Which makes me wonder—do any of you name your plants?


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